“Women worthy of respect, not malicious talks but temperate and trustworthy in everything.” (1 timothy 3:11)
The women in the Mar Thoma church have also shared the spiritual power generated by the reformation. The Mar Thoma Suvisesha Sevika Sangham, the women’s wing, was inaugurated during the Maramon Convention in the year 1919, under the leadership of Abraham Mar Thoma Suffragan Metropolitan, who gave the Sangham continued support and inspiration.
The motto of the Mar Thoma Sevika Sangham is ‘Service and Evangelism in the life and mission of the Mar Thoma Church’. Every women of Mar Thoma church above the age of 18yrs is a member of the Sevika Sangham. The Sevika Sangham has branches in all parishes of the Mar Thoma church both in India and abroad.
The Sinai Mar Thoma Church, North London, UK was inaugurated on the 18th April 2010 by Rt Rev Dr Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan. The Suvisesha Sevika Sangham was formed in September 2010 under the leadership of vicar, Rev V G Geevarghese. This is also administered by the executive committee. The Sinai Mar Thoma Sevika Sangham is under the Diocese of North America and Europe and we are part of Europe region and centre.
The Sevika Sangham meets every 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month after the worship for bible studies, quiz, intercessory prayers and etc. At present the Sevika Sangham is studying the bible portion The Epistle of James. This year the Sevika Sangham is planning to visit the hospice centres and support charities both India and UK.